Past Pop-Up Events
Virtual Pop-Up events, focused mini-conferences, provide another knowledge mobilization opportunity for Children’s Healthcare Canada to bring focused, relevant, and timely content to our members and others in the child and youth health community. These events are characterized by a focus on a specific area of child and youth health that fits within our identified or emerging priorities. View a list of the past Children's Healthcare Canada Pop-Up Events below.
Past Events:
Kids & Vaccines Day (February 23, 2023)
ICC: From Practice to Policy - Keeping What Worked: Lessons learned from COVID-19 pediatric immunizations (September 2022)
A Child & Youth Mental Health Leadership Summit Series (April, May & June 2022)
Environment, Climate and Kids: Time to Act Pop Up Event (May 2022)
Immunizing Children with Confidence: Vaccination Conversations Pop Up Event (January 2022)
From Crisis to Catalyst: The Next Chapter for Children’s Healthcare Annual Conference Annual Conference (November 2021)
All In: Creating Synergy in Pediatric Complex Care Pop Up Event (March 2021)
Transitions to Adulthood Pop Up Event (January 2021)