Board of Directors
Children’s Healthcare Canada is governed by a board comprised of a diverse cohort of leaders from within the children’s health and healthcare community from coast to coast. As a board, we are committed to ensuring that the diversity of our membership and the child health community is reflected in Board membership. To that end, we seek diversity across a variety of factors, including: language (both of Canada's official languages), geography (e.g., provinces/territories/regions; urban/rural/remote), gender, practice/profession (clinician, administrator, research)
The Board is served by the work of three committees: an Executive Committee, a Governance Committee, and a Finance Committee. The Board plays an important governance and leadership role, and sets strategic direction for the Association. The board meets regularly, both virtually and face to face. If you are interested in reviewing the Board agendas or meeting minutes, please reach out to
Executive Committee
Dr. Krista Jangaard (CEO, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Scott Fortnum (President & CEO, Children’s Health Foundation, London Health Sciences Centre; London, Ontario)
Vice Chair
Sarah Bell (Chief Operating Officer, BC Children's Hospital; Vancouver, British Columbia)
President and CEO (ex-officio)
Emily Gruenwoldt (Children’s Healthcare Canada; Ottawa, Ontario)
Members at large (in alphabetical order)
Maureen Charlebois (Chief Nursing and Clinical Officer, Bayshore Healthcare)
Isabelle Demers (Assistant President and CEO, CHU Sainte-Justine; Montréal, Québec)
Dr. Marc-André Dugas (Chef du département de pédiatrie, Centre mère-enfant Soleil du CHU de Québec-Université Lavall; Québec City, Québec)
Crystal Edwards (Director, Women and Children’s, and Mental Health Programs, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre)
Julia E. Hanigsberg (President & CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital; Toronto, Ontario)
Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman, Chief Medical Officer, Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY Manitoba)
Amy Howard (Regional Director, Children’s and Women’s Health Program, Eastern Health; St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador)
Mary Lattas (Director of Rehabilitation and Multidisciplinary Services; CIUSSS West-Central Montreal)
Dr. Lindy Samson (Chief of Staff and Chief Medical Officer; CHEO)
Dr. Anita Simon (Health Research Consultant and Patient Advocate, Family Partner)
Judy Van Clieaf (Vice-President, Clinical and Chief Nursing Officer, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids); Toronto, Ontario)
Christine Westerlund (Senior Operating Officer; Stollery Children’s Hospital; Edmonton, Alberta)
Dr. Ian Zenlea (Pediatric Endocrinologist, Clinician Scientist, and Lead, Family and Child Health Initiative; Trillium Health Partners)