SPARK: Shared Platform for Advocacy, Research, and Knowledge
Children's Healthcare Canada's SPARK Knowledge Mobilization Program aims to curate and showcase knowledge, evidence (from research, practice, policy, and lived experience), and expertise to SPARK conversations, ideas, and action.
What is Knowledge Mobilization? |
Knowledge mobilization, which includes knowledge transfer, dissemination, exchange, co-creation, and translation, is the purposeful and active process of moving knowledge/evidence from research, practice, policy, and lived experience into active use for a public good - in our case, improvements to child and youth health, healthcare, and health systems. Effective knowledge mobilization is built upon meaningful trusting relationships with those most impacted by the knowledge or evidence being mobilized. Deeply understanding the needs and preferences of our many audiences is required to tailor the evidence so that it is relevant, acceptable, useful, and useable. The SPARK Knowledge Mobilization Program, its components, and offerings aim to get the right evidence into the right hands at the right time in order to inform practice, policy, research, and/or the experience of care. |
"We would like to thank Children’s Healthcare Canada for hosting a successful SPARK webinar. We are very grateful that you provided us with an opportunity to showcase our recent policy paper, Stemming the tide: Investing early in the mental health of Ontario’s 7-to 12-year-olds"
- The Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions
SPARK Products
SPARK products and content reflect our strategic priorities, the priority populations defined by our Board and our membership, and emerging child and youth health issues. Click below to learn more about our upcoming webinars and podcasts, a knowledge mobilization consultation service for researchers, and other offerings.