All In: Creating Synergy in Pediatric Complex Care Session Recordings
Cet événement d'une journée, qui s'est déroulé le 25 mars 2021, comprenait des présentations de chefs de file de la clinique et de la recherche du Canada et des États-Unis, ainsi qu'un panel de partenaires parents. Les enregistrements et les diapositives de ces sessions sont partagés avec l'autorisation des participants.
Innovations in Care Coordination practices for improving care for children with medical complexity
Speaker: Dr. Richard Antonelli
Made in Alberta Panel
Speakers: Nadine Gall, Meridith Yohemas, Dr. Tanya Wasielewski, Tammy Island
Patient Navigation as a Solution to Helping Children with Complex Care Needs and their Families Access Care in a Complex Maze of Services
Speakers: Shelley Doucet, Dr. Allison Luke
Family Panel
Speakers: Genevieve Currie, Rachel Martens, Lia Lousier, Amber Desjarlais
Precision Health Genomics: Ending the Diagnostic Odyssey for Complex and Rare Disease Patients
Speaker: Dr. Francois Bernier
Improving pain in children with complex medical needs
Speakers: Dr. Katie Birnie, Kate Ross, Dr. Tammie Dewan, Sarah Penny
Reflections on the Emergence of Pediatric Complex Care in Canada
Speaker: Dr. Eyal Cohen